No auditions!
We are a community orchestra and as such we do not hold auditions. If you are a musician, and play any symphony orchestral instrument, we’d love to hear from you.
We particularly welcome new players and especially those who are perhaps thinking of returning to playing after having not touched your instrument for some time, even years. We have players who have got back to playing after a very long time!
We do not expect you to come along with your exam certificates, nor do we expect you to have achieved any particular grade. As a guide though, most of us have got to Grade V but plenty of us haven’t!
Membership Fees
Membership fees are set by the Committee. Currently, the first attendance by a new player can be a “Taster Day”. The subscription for 2024-25 is £40 a year (covering the four rehearsals and the concert) but free for students in full time education.